A new prescription drug law that went into effect January 1, 2023, will help save money for people with Medicare. This law improves access to affordable treatments and strengthens the Medicare program. Here’s what the law means for you: More vaccines covered People...
Many Americans are asking themselves “How can I get free healthcare in the U.S.?”, an answer may be in the hands of legislators. One national health insurance plan for all Americans called “Medicare for All” is an idea being promoted, among others, by Vermont Senator...
If you have Original Medicare, your doctor, other health care provider, or supplier may give you a written notice if they think Medicare won’t pay for the items or services you’ll get. This notice is called an “Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage,” or ABN. The...
When it comes to Medicare, there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all. That’s because every person has individual health needs. Coverage varies based on where you live, which doctors and hospitals you prefer, and whether you want to pay more money upfront or pay as...
Approximately 61 million Americans live in rural Tribal, and geographically isolated communities across the United States. These communities often experience significant health inequities. Compared to urban Americans, rural Americans are more likely to have heart...
Plan includes increased taxes for high-income earners and more prescription drug negotiations President Joe Biden’s federal budget proposal will include increasing Medicare taxes for people earning more than $400,000 a year and expanding and accelerating prescription...